
Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation’s Environmental Photography Awards
Finalist - Change Makers: Reasons for Hope

Siena International Photo Awards
Finalist -(commended) - Fascinating faces and characters

Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation’s Environmental Photography Awards
Finalist  - 'A cool drink from a helping hand'

Siena International Photo Awards
Finalist -(honourable mention) - Animals in their environment ‘Splash’
Finalist - (remarkable artwork) - Nature, environment, and conservation issues ‘Fighting the heat’

BigPicture Natural World Photography Competition 
Winner - Human/nature category 'Bare nose to bare-nosed wombat'

Nature and Humans Photo Competition
Winner - Nature and Human Series
Runner up - Individual image

Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year
Finalist - Threatened species 'Baby on board'
Finalist - Urban animals 'Emergency exit - run, a giant spider!'
Finalist - Urban animals 'Kerb-side snack'

Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Finalist (highly commended) - Photojournalism (single image) 'Wombat Lockdown'

Siena International Photo Awards
Finalist - Animals in their environment  'Wings as raincoats' 

Wildscreen Panda Photo Story Award
Finalist - Fighting the heat (series here)

National Wildlife Federation

Photographer of the Year (2021)

Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Finalist (highly commended) - Photojournalism (single image) 'A caring hand'
Finalist (highly commended) - Behaviour: Mammals 'A deadly huddle'

Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year
Winner - Our impact 'Bound, jammed inside and posted'
Winner - Animal Portrait 'A white-capped at sunset'
Finalist  - Botanical 'Signs of recovery'

COP26: Nature under threat
Winner - Gallery 2 ‘Little blue penguins’

Zoological Society of NSW Whitley Award
Winner - Conservation for Children: Book ‘Life Upside Down’

Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Finalist  - Peoples choice award 'Bat woman'

National Geographic
Best animal photos of 2020 - 'Fatal attraction'

Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year
Runner up - Our impact 'Don't forget to check for me'
Finalist - Animal behaviour 'Fatal attraction'

BigPicture Natural World Photography Competition
Finalist - Human/nature category 'A Koalas Eye View'

Environment Victoria
Outstanding commitment to safeguarding Victoria's environment

BigPicture Natural World Photography Competition 
Finalist - Human/nature category 'Breakfast with bats'

National Geographic
Editors 20 favourites images from Your Shot - Breakfast with bats

Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year
Finalist - Animal Behaviour 'Summer showers'

Wildscreen Panda Photo Story Award
Winner - Rescuing the Night Gardeners (series here)

National Photographic Portrait Prize
Finalist - 'Breakfast with bats'

Environment Victoria community environment award
Outstanding contribution as a wildlife photographer and successfully leading the platypus-safe fishing nets campaign

Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year
Finalist - 'Our impact' and 'Animal habitat'
Peoples choice award, Australian Museum -'Small penguin, big city'

National Geographic:
Photo of the day - 'Like on of his own'

Wildlife Photographer of the Year
Finalist  - Photojournalism (single image) 'Caring for Joey'

BigPicture Natural World Photography Competition 
Finalist - human/nature category 'A helping hand'

Australian Geographic Nature Photographer of the Year
Winner - Our impact category 'The killing field'

BigPicture Natural World Photography Competition 
Finalist - conservation category 'Small Penguin, Big City'

Australian Geographic ANZANG Nature Photographer of the Year
Winner - Monochrome
Finalist - Animal behaviour
Finalist -
Animal portrait
Finalist -

International Photography Awards
Honourable mention- 5 images, 4 categories: Landscapes, Landscapes, Night photography, Wildlife

National Geographic:
Photo of the day, Included in A year in 30 seconds