National Geographic Magazine: Coming soon!
The Guardian: Australia’s flying foxes are ‘curious, gentle and intelligent’ – and often misunderstood
The Australian ‘Heart of the Nation: Listening for signs of life
Scientific American: How to Stop the Next Viral Pandemic
Swarovski 2025 Calendar: January image (Black-browed Albatross)
Australian Photography Magazine: Opinion piece - Do you need a teleconverter in 2025?
Biographic: What lies beneath
The Guardian: Pro-brumby activists racially vilified head of Indigenous group, Victorian tribunal finds
Natural History Magazine: Hanging in the balance
The Big Issue: Where the wild things are
The Guardian: Wildlife Victoria’s Travelling Veterinary Services team – in pictures
Yahoo News: Heartbreaking moment 82-year-old forced to carry out 'distressing' ritual
The Australian ‘Heart of the Nation’: Wow moment: how Doug Gimesy captured a bat’s high speed dip
ILCP: A Light Touch - Reflections on using additional light when photographing wildlife
The Australian ‘Heart of the Nation’: Wildlife smuggling by post: Doug Gimesy's confronting image from the Nature and Humans Photo Competition
BBC Wildlife: A light touch - the potential impact of using additional lighting when photographing wildlife
Australian Photography Magazine: A review of the Sony 300mm f/2.8
Australian Photography Magazine: A review of the Think Tank FirstLight 46L+
Yahoo News: Aussie swimmers ignore extremely rare marine creature 'struggling' nearby
Science Magazine: Light pollution
The Australian ‘Heart of the Nation’: Aldana and Maude
National Geographic: Enter the weird world of the echidna - a mammal in a category all its own
Yahoo News: 100 dead ducks dumped in front of Premier Dan Andrews' office
The Australian ‘Heart of the Nation’: Macquarie Island Penguins
National Geographic Kids Magazine: Wild Animal Vets
Australia Post: Platypus image on new Australian $1.20 stamp
The Evidence Project: Contributing photographer
The Big Issue: Dogs detectives
The Australian ‘Heart of the Nation’: Conservation detector dogs
Australian Geographic Eyre not gas: the magnificent Lake Eyre Basin is threatened by 831 oil and gas wells.
7.30 report (TV): Risking the Rivers (aerial cinematography: flooding)
Australian Photography Magazine: Lake Eyre from the air
Conservation Biology: Cover
Australian Photography Magazine: Telephoto lenses; So much more than getting closer
The Guardian: ‘Absolutely amazing’: Lake Eyre dances with colour thanks to big La Niña rains
London Times: Heavy rains bring Australian desert back to life
Australian Geographic: Bound, gagged and posted
Australian Geographic: Bound, gagged, posted: investigating Australia’s cruel and corrupt and illegal wildlife trade (on-line version)
Australian Photography Magazine: I see spots
Australian Photography Magazine: Review - Sony 70-200mm f/2.8 GM OSS II
Australian Photography Magazine: Review - Sony 24-70mm f/2.8 GM OSS II
Australian Photography Magazine: Review - Nikon Z 9
National Geographic: This ‘romantic' lizard is one of Australia’s most trafficked animals
Australian Photography: Life in the slow lane
The Guardian: Avian eye: how to take photos of birds that stand out from the flock
Ranger Rick: Wild Roommates (wombats)
BBC Wildlife: Behind the image - High-tech trafficking
Australian Photography: Behind the lens - A royal in waiting
The Guardian: Fowl play: duck hunting struggles to stay afloat in Victoria - a photo essay
The Guardian: ER for animals: Inside Australia’s Currumbin Wildlife Hospital – a photo essay
Kids News: The Aussie fish that’s come back from extinction - twice
The Australian ‘Heart of the Nation’: Odd one out
Australian Photography: Behind the lens - Josh and the platypus
National Geographic Explorer: Mishmash Mammal (platypus)
Australian Geographic: Beauty on the Brink (Regent Honeyeaters)
National Geographic: Platypuses are increasingly threatened, scientists say
The Big Issue: Penguins on Parade
BioGraphic: Mother load
Audubon: Can This Critically Endangered Bird Survive Australia's New Climate Reality?
Greenpeace Magazine: Nach diem inferno
Current Biology: Cover (White and Amber Light at Night Disrupt Sleep Physiology in Birds)
Conservation Biology: Cover
The Big Issue: Wombat Digs
National Geographic: Raising orphaned baby wombats under lockdown
Australian Geographic: An intimate look at the challenges of caring for wildlife amid a pandemic
National Geographic: Koalas and other marsupials struggle to recover from Australia’s bushfires
The Guardian (Australia): 'We can't blame animals': how human pathogens are making their way into vulnerable wildlife'
Ranger Rick: Flying foxes (pdf here)
Outdoor Photography Magazine: Koala Rescue - what I learned about photographing an environmental disaster when Australia burned
iLCP: What goes unsaid when habitats burn
iLCP: Winning at What Cost? Ethical Considerations for Wildlife and Nature Photo Contests
The Guardian: Australia's extraordinary and vulnerable animals – in pictures
BBC Wildlife (April): After the inferno
Discover Wildlife (from BBC Wildlife): Wildlife after the Australian bushfires Australien nach den Bränden: Die Natur kehrt zurück (Australia after the fires: nature returns)
Australian Photography: Review of Nikon d780
The Guardian (Australia): Drones and thermal imaging: saving koalas injured in the bushfires
The Guardian: 'Triple whammy': drought, fires and floods push Australian rivers into crisis
Terre Sauvage: Les Survivants Des Flammes (Flame survivors)
Apu: Palannut Maa
The Big Issue: Call of the wildlife
Australian Geographic: In pictures: evacuating Mallacoota’s koalas
BBC News: Heat stress and the Australian flying fox
National Geographic: Flying foxes are dying en masse in Australia’s extreme heat
National Geographic: How many animals are affected by Australia's disaster?
Ranger Rick: City penguins (pdf here)
National Geographic: The silent decline of the platypus, Australia’s beloved oddity
iLCP: When words let us down
Victorian National Parks Association: 'Park Watch' - Melbourne's Flying Night Gardeners
Australian Photography: Behind the lens: Into the Dragons Den*
*Here I discuss some of the ethical considerations to think about when using additional lighting with wildlife.
Wildlife Australia Magazine: Gardeners of the night
National Portrait Gallery: Portrait of Tim Jarvis
Banksia Bulletin: Help protect our Grey-Headed Flying-fox
BBC Wildlife Magazine (Summer): Stranger than fiction (platypus)
The Big Issue: Climate Changer - Tim Flannery
Pet Industry News: Wildlife Trafficking (Cover +p14)
Australian Photography: Behind the lens
The Big Issue: Fly By Night
Australian Geographic: Plight of the platypus
BioGraphic: Plight of the Platypus
BBC Wildlife Magazine (Spring): Penguin parade
Australian Photography: Before you take that shot
The Big Issue: The State of Platypus
Australian Geographic: Urban battler (Grey-headed Flying-foxes)
Journal of Mammology: Cover
Ranger Rick: Peculiar Platypus
The Australian ‘Heart of the Nation’: Shane and the sugar gliders
BBC Wildlife Magazine (winter): The Night Gardeners
National Geographic: Around the world in 24 hours (9am)
National Geographic: Meet Australia's urban flying- foxes and the people trying to help them
Wildlife Australia Magazine: Detecting a paradox
Australian Geographic: Against the odds: How the world's smallest penguin has made one of Australia's largest cities it home
Biogeographic: Raising joey
The Biscuit: The mystery of the paradoxical platypus
National Geographic News: Ancient Royal Tomb Yields Strange New Ape Species
Fishing retailers withdraw yabby nets that kill platypuses well ahead of government ban: ABC on-line
Victorian Government to ban nets that threatened platypus: Herald Sun and Geelong Advertiser
Women for Wilderness: Interview with Lizzie Corke
Australian Conservation Foundation: Habitat (April, 18) p,14
Environment Victoria: Issue 29 Autumn 2018 (back cover)
National Geographic News: As koalas suffer from chlamydia, a new clue for treatment
Victorian National Parks Association: 'Park Watch' (March): How can we allow platypuses to drown in Victoria?
Australian Wildlife: Looking for footprints in water - in search of the elusive platypus
Focus Magazine (Italy): Platypus
The Australian 'Heart of the Nation': Platypus reserachers
Australian Geographic: Looking for footprints in water - The platypus
National Geographic: Night Visions - magical photographs of life after dark (p174)
Otway Life: Wild Ecotourism
Australasian Nature Photography: The years best wildlife and landscape photos (p46 &109)
New York Times: Taking the Pulse of the 'Near Threatened' Platypus Is a Tricky Task
Sydney Morning Herald: Platypus experts warn of localised extinctions and declining population
Environment Victoria: Issue 28 Spring 2017
WWF Australia: Caring on the front line
The Australian Newspaper 'Heart of the nation': To the bat cave
Australian Conservation Foundation: Habitat (April, 17)
Sydney Morning Herald: Stray dogs help endangered cheetahs cheat death
Australian Wildlife Magazine: Fast roads, slow deaths
Australian Conservation Foundation 2017 calendar (June)
Kangaroo Island Wilderness Trail Guide (9 images)
Australian Geographic: Caught in the headlights (Kangaroo Island wildlife road trauma)
Australian Conservation Foundation magazine 'Habitat': Cover
National Geographic on-line: 12 Photographers Show Us the Food Landscape in Their Cities
New York Times: The Changing Clock of Australia’s Little Penguins
National Geographic Traveler Magazine: 9AM Melbourne
National Geographic Traveler: Melbourne’s Hippest Neighbourhoods
The Australian Newspaper: Heart of the nation - The Joey Invasion
Birds New Zealand: Cover and page 9
Environment Victoria: Annual Report 2015-16
Ian Potter Foundation Annual Grants Report: Annual report (cover and p13)
National Geographic: Getting your shot - Stunning photos, how-to tips, and endless inspiration from the pros
National Geographic Travel - 365: Campbell Island, New Zealand